Privacy Policy
Derbyshire Home from Hospital Support Service – Privacy Statement
South Derbyshire CVS is the lead organisation in a partnership of organisations delivering the service. The partners are:
Chesterfield Volunteer Centre
South Derbyshire CVS
Your data will be shared with the appropriate organisation in order to deliver the service to you in the district in which you reside or are registered with a Derbyshire GP.
The processing of your personal data for the Derbyshire Home from Hospital Support Service is carried out by South Derbyshire CVS (SDCVS). SDCVS is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee:
Charity Number 1101450
Company Number 4958843
SDCVS is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands, registration number Z8580156.
We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining the security of your personal information. This notice outlines how and why we collect and use personal data. We want to ensure you are informed and in control of your personal data.
Please be assured that we will never sell your personal data, and will only ever share it with:
Our delivery partners (see above)
Third parties where we have your permission to do
Or where it is required under Duty of Care.
If you have any questions about how your data is used, you can contact us directly, by emailing or calling 01283 219761.
What data we collect
The personal data we collect is: name, e-mail address, postal address; telephone number(s), gender, date of birth, health condition, GP practice, NHS number, next of kin contacts (where applicable) and referral route. The option to collect some financial information to assist with banking or shopping may also be collected, subject to separate agreement.
By contacting and engaging with the Home from Hospital service, and providing all or part of the above information, it is understood that you consent to SDCVS storing your personal information.
How we use this information
We will use your information to contact you about the receipt of support under the Derbyshire Home from Hospital Support Service, and for compliance with Duty of Care and Health and Safety.
Anonymised data
We aggregate and anonymise personal data so that it can no longer be linked to any particular individual. This is used for the delivery of the Derbyshire Home from Hospital Support Service from Hospital service, as well as for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
How do we protect personal information?
SDCVS uses a secure online service, which is Data Protection compliant to store and/or record personal information provided by you for its own purposes and access to personal information is limited to appropriate HVA staff. We also take appropriate measures to ensure that the information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up to date and kept only for as required by law.
Withdrawing consent
You can change or withdraw your consent for us to hold or to use your personal data for the purposes set out above by contacting or by calling us on 01283 219761. Please be aware that by withdrawing consent your consent any support received under the Derbyshire Home from Hospital Support Service will have to be terminated.
Right of access
You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your personal details corrected.
Changes to personal details
If your personal details change, please help us to keep your information up to date by notifying us via email at or by calling us on 01283 219761.
We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice so please do check back from time to time. If we do so, we will post notice of the change on our website and make every effort to inform you of any material changes to the notice.
See complaint policy here.
Updated 1st June 2020 - Version 1
South Derbyshire CVS: Charity No: 1101450 Company No: 4958843